Monday, February 23, 2015

How to **GET ORGANIZED** 30Day Challenge Chalene Johnson

Do you need to be more organized or have a better system to keep you organized? I know I do, it is one of my weakest areas. On March 2nd I am starting the 30Day Push with Chalene Johnson. This program will teach you how to schedule your day to make your life more productive. Chalene teaches you how to create a schedule & to-do lists that line up with your life goals & priorities. She helps you define your top priorities and goals and how to make things happen to achieve those goals. I will keep you updated throughout the 30 days but why not join me it's free! Sign up at If you signed up let me know and I will add you to my facebook where we can share and keep each other accountable.


  1. 30 days! Count me in. I need to get more organized. I feel that I am good for a couple of days and then fall off. I need accountability.

  2. Geris2 Cents awesome can't wait! Go to get registered and we will start Monday March 2nd.
